четверг, 2 мая 2019 г.

How the revolution affect the cultural and human relationship Essay

How the innovation affect the ethnical and human race relationship - Essay ExampleThis was initiated in surrounded by 1966-1976 by Mao Zedong the chairman of the Communist fellowship of China at the time. The movement had significant influence on the people of China an estimated a string of the entire humanity today socially and also economically. In Liangs autobiography the revolution affected his family and his tolerable access to education in their hometown of Changsha as a result its turbulent political campaigns. The effects of the revolution are seen in the entire life of Liang Heng starting from his family break up, being sent to the countryside for re-education and later on as Liang works as a factory worker (Liang, 1983).Despite the revolution starting as a political campaign in the Peoples Republic of China, the revolution had immense effect on the cultural and human relationships with the people of China as Liang Heng writes in his book Son of the Revolution (Liang, H. 1983). Among the effects on the cultural relationships is seen in the education system. The revolution affected the intellect in the society as they were the ones racetrack the central government operations at all levels of administration. Liangs father and mother had attained a highschool school education by this time. The revolution saw more young and energetic Chinese suck in an effort to attain higher education to be considered for better employment including Liangs himself. The cultural relationship between education and revisionist was changed during the revolution. Many saw higher education later on as a entrance to satisfactory job and decent housing (Jiang, 2007).The revolution affected the human relationship within many Chinese families including Liangs family. During the Hundred Flower Campaign Liang Hengs mother was sent away for labor reform as it was called during the time of the revolution (Liang, 1983). This was mainly due to Liang Hengs comment. This brought about the first division of

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