среда, 17 апреля 2019 г.

Discuss three examples how HIPAA is taught, practiced, and enforced in Research Paper

Discuss triple examples how HIPAA is taught, practiced, and enforced in a health care organization. What is HIPAA and why it shou - Research Paper ExampleIt was as well designed to prevent employers from hiring persons due to medical conditions that may affect the cost of their job-related group insurance. Under its rules, thither is a six month limit for denying coverage for preexisting conditions under employee provided health plans. Specifically, unless an employee has received diagnosing or treatment for a pre-existent condition within six months prior to being employ then they rearnot be denied coverage for the issue (http//www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html). A secondary purpose of HIPAA is to protect patient confidentiality. It regulates who can access medical records, the reasons they may do so, and the proper they follow. In most cases, it forbids individuals or organizations from looking at a persons records without their permission. HIPAA must be followed fo r ethical as well as effective reasons. Because of its importance, a wide variety of health care and insurance professionals must be trained in HIPAA compliance. Training is offered in several formats, including online. The website http//www.ehipaatraining.com/ offers Internet-based classes on the subject. The Department of Health and Human Services offers similar resources on the web page, www.hhs.gov.

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